Hiera is a very powerful "key-value configuration data lookup system" used mainly, but not exclusively, with the Puppet configuration management and orchestration system. In Hiera data is stored in in yaml files in, as the name implies, a hierarchy or set of prioritized levels. A typical Hiera lookup goes through the hierarchy starting from the highest-priority level and stops when it finds a match. That match could come from a node yaml file, a deployment (e.g. production or staging) yaml file or from site-wide yaml. What this essentially means is that you can define common, site-wide parameters at the lowest level of the hierarchy and override those when needed at higher levels. How does Hiera and Ansible work together, then? The short answer is "they don't, really", but the long answer is more complex than that.
Using the community.general.hiera lookup function?
On paper Ansible can be integrated with Hiera using the community.general.hiera lookup function. However, the lookup function (code here) has not been updated in years. It also depends on the Hiera v3 project's which has similarly not been updated in years. Both codebases have been kept up to date so that they compile and run, but functionality-vise nothing has happened in ages. To make matters worse, Hiera v3 does not support hiera-eyaml encryption and uses its own v3 config file format which has not been seen in the wild in years.
Using Hiera data directly?
It seems that the least bad way to use Hiera data, for example from Puppet, is to just load the yaml data files directly as Ansible variable files and forget about the fancy hierarchies.
Hierarchy and data file contents
Suppose you have this simple hierarchy in a Hiera config (lowest priority levels are the bottom):
- nodes/%{trusted.certname}.yaml
- deployments/%{deployment}.yaml
- common.yaml
For this example we have four data files:
# common.yaml
common_var: 'common_var from common.yaml'
# deployments/staging.yaml
common_var: 'common_var from staging.yaml'
# deployments/production.yaml
common_var: 'common_var from production.yaml'
# nodes/mynode.yaml
common_var: 'common_var from mynode.yaml'
host_var: 'host_var from mynode.yaml'
Test Ansible playbook with "Hiera lookups"
To tie things up we need an Ansible playbook:
- name: Look up data from Hiera data files
hosts: localhost
become: false
gather_facts: false
- data/common.yaml
- data/deployments/{{ deployment }}.yaml
- data/nodes/{{ trusted_certname }}.yaml
- name: Look up common_var
msg: "{{ common_var }}"
- name: Look up host_var
msg: "{{ host_var }}"
The order of vars_files actually provides hiera-esque functionality: variables found at lower levels are preferred. The two variables, deployment and trusted_certname need to defined or the playbook will not run.
Running the Ansible playbook, take 1
Let's run the Ansible playbook with variables set to trusted_certname=mynode and deployment=staging:
$ ansible-playbook -e trusted_certname=mynode -e deployment=staging playbooks/hiera.yml
PLAY [Look up values from Hiera data files]
TASK [Look up common_var]
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "common_var from mynode.yaml"
TASK [Look up host_var]
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "host_var from mynode.yaml"
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
The result were to be expected, as the highest-priority file included both common_var and host_var.
Running the Ansible playbook, take 2
To make things more interesting let's remove common_var from mynode.yml. The file should now look like this:
# nodes/mynode.yaml
host_var: 'host_var from mynode.yaml'
Now let's look up data with deployment set to staging:
$ ansible-playbook -e trusted_certname=mynode -e deployment=staging playbooks/hiera.yml
PLAY [Look up values from Hiera data files]
TASK [Look up common_var]
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "common_var from staging.yaml"
TASK [Look up host_var]
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "host_var from mynode.yaml"
localhost : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Using facts to load correct variable files
Node-specific variables are fairly useless if you can't dynamically load the correct variable file. So, we have to adjust our playbook to load the appropriate Hiera data file like this:
- webserver
- db
become: true
gather_facts: true
- ../../data/common.yaml
- ../../data/deployments/{{ ansible_local['deployment']['name'] }}.yaml
- ../../data/nodes/{{ ansible_facts['fqdn'] }}.yaml
- name: Show value of my_var
var: my_var
The fact here comes from a local JSON file, /etc/ansible/facts.d/deployment.fact, on the targeted host:
{ "name": "staging" }
Suppose we have two deployments, staging and production and two nodes, webserver and db. Both nodes are in the staging deployment. Let's also assume the variable files look like this:
# data/common.yaml
my_var: 'my_var from common.yaml'
# data/deployments/staging.yaml
my_var: 'my_var from staging.yaml'
# data/deployments/production.yaml
my_var: 'my_var from production.yaml'
# data/nodes/webserver.yaml
my_var: 'my_var from webserver.yaml'
# data/nodes/db.yaml
# nothing here
When ansible-playbook runs on a host, it gathers facts first, then loads the appropriate variable files. This is fortunate for us, because it allows us to use reported facts for loading the correct data files. Here is an example run:
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/hiera.yml
PLAY [Look up values from Hiera data files]
TASK [Gathering Facts]
ok: [webserver]
ok: [db]
TASK [Show facts]
ok: [webserver] => {
"my_var": "my_var from webserver.yaml"
ok: [db] => {
"my_var": "my_var from staging.yaml"
webserver : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
db : ok=2 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
As can be seen, on web we loaded my_var from web.yaml. The db.yaml was empty, so the variable my_var was loaded from the next-highest variable file, i.e. staging.yaml.
Hiera with Ansible: the summary
The summary of this exercise is that you can use plain Hiera yaml data with Ansible. You can even get Ansible to behave in a Hiera-like fashion if you load the data files in correct order. Moreover, you can load Hiera data files based on Ansible facts. This gives you most of what is available in real Hiera, except fancy merge behaviors and support for hiera-eyaml.