Keycloak Fast Track

High-availability Keycloak ready for web-SSO in a week
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Your own web-SSO with Keycloak

Get Keycloak set up at light speed

Your own high-availability Keycloak cluster

Integrated with your user directory (AD, LDAP, FreeIPA).
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Experts on deck

You don't need deep knowledge about Keycloak, Infinispan, SAML or OIDC.
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Infrastructure as code

Quality, stability and controlled change management without vendor lock-in.
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integratED with your web services

We can integrate your internal and SaaS services with Keycloak using SAML or OIDC as separate mini-projects.
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Keycloak Fast Track by Puppeteers

Service for having Keycloak domain mode cluster deployed in your infrastructure within 1 week.


We deploy a Keycloak domain mode cluster into your infrastructure and integrate it with your user directory (AD, LDAP, FreeIPA). We can also implement web-SSO for your services using SAML and OIDC for a separate fee.


User and password management becomes a nightmare as your hire more and more employees. Using SaaS makes things worse, as each SaaS service is its own island. The only proper solution is to move to web-SSO.


You provide us with API access to your Cloud and we handle the rest.

See how it works
Dozens of colorful locks attached to a fence

Ready to get started with Keycloak?

dedicate 2 hours of your time

The rest is up to us.

delivery in 1 week

After acceptance of the agreement, excluding any integrations.


Pay only when you're satisfied.

What next?

We can help you integrate your web services with
Keycloak using SAML and OIDC. If you need
Keycloak client adapters we'll handle those, too.

For a small monthly fee we can be on call and/or
handle the maintenance and security updates
for Keycloak and its host system.

Highly-available Keycloak cluster in one week

Keycloak Fast Track by Puppeteers

Includes deployment of a domain-mode Keycloak cluster and integration with an existing directory server (AD, LDAP or FreeIPA). SAML and OIDC integrations are available as separate projects.
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