We use Terraform for managing our Cloud infrastructure. Our customers typically use AWS and that's what we're most familiar with. Each public Cloud has its own terminology, so this page is a translation table between Terraform resource names in the AWS and Azure providers:
AWS | Azure |
aws_instance | azurerm_linux_virtual_machine |
aws_network_interface | azurerm_network_interface |
aws_security_group | azurerm_network_security_group |
aws_security_group_rule | azurerm_network_security_rule |
aws_vpc | azurerm_virtual_network |
aws_subnet | azurerm_subnet |
<inapplicable> | azurerm_resource_group |
aws_s3_bucket | azurerm_storage_account |
region | location |
Some of the details differ, but for the most part these are a close match.
If you have lots of experience building infrastructure in AWS it should not take you more than a couple of hours to learn the basics of Azure command-line and to use Terraform to setup a network with a few virtual machines in Azure.