Every now and then a need to use the content of a file as a variable on an agent node arises. Here's one way to do it with the help of a custom fact.
First create a custom fact on the puppet server:
Facter.add(:my_file_content) do
setcode do
path = "/path/to/my_file"
File.read(path) if File.exist?(path)
You can confine this to restrict it to be available only on selected nodes, for example:
Facter.add(:my_file_content) do
confine :hostname => [ :'my_first_node', :'my_second_node']
setcode do
path = "/path/to/my_file"
File.read(path) if File.exist?(path)
Next use this custom fact to load the file content into a variable:
You can now split(), join(), regexp(), strip() etc. it to your hearts content.
That's it. As always, be sensible with the possible security implications.