Linux Applications for Windows Environment is a deployment service for a curated set of Linux applications that are particularly useful for Windows-centric organizations. Add-on services are available for a separate fee.
Our curated set of open source Linux software currently includes:
- FOG: network computer cloning and management solution
- NetBox: infrastructure resource modeling (IRM) application
- Keycloak: identity and access management application for web single sign-on
- Puppet server: cross-platform configuration management platform with excellent support for Windows and Powershell DSC
- Foreman: lifecycle management tool for physical and virtual servers, including Windows
We've set up so many Linux server applications over the years that we've already lost count. So, if your application is not in the list please don't hesitate to ask if we could help you out.
The fixed price includes installation and basic configuration of one Linux application on a Linux host using automation code.
The following services are optional and available for a separate fee:
- Integration of the Linux application into your authentication system (e.g. AD/AAD)
- Integration of the Linux application into your backup, monitoring and disaster recovery systems
- Building integration scripts and hooks to, for example, trigger actions in the Linux application on external events
- Migrating data to the Linux application
The following services are optional and billed per month:
- Being on call (service desk)
- Managing security updates every month for the Linux application and its host operating system
- Backups, monitoring and disaster recovery (if you don't have or wish to use your own)
Mixed Linux / Windows environments seem to be a norm nowadays. However, there are still many organizations that are not reaping the benefits from Linux and great Linux application because they're lacking in Linux skills. As you're reading this article you may be part of such an organization. While some of those great applications can run on Windows, paying a premium for Windows server licenses for the privilege of running free, open source software on top just seems wrong.
We want to help organizations overcome the barriers that prevents them from deploying best of breed Linux applications with confidence and minimal up-front investment in money and time.
Our service is targeted at Windows-centric organizations or "Windows shops" as we like to call them. This is not meant to exclude anyone else, but we believe that greatest benefits from Linux can be gained if you're not already using it.
Please schedule a meeting, fill in the contact form or send email. We'll take it from there.
Please send us a message using our contact form or schedule a meeting.
You don't really have to, because:
- We are bound by our one-sided NDA when you order this service. That prevents us from disclosing any information about your infrastructure to external parties.
- You can lose only about two hours of your working time (initial discussion and granting us access).
- We offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked. If you're not happy, we won't charge you.
- We gain nothing by misusing your trust.